To be sure we fully understand the needs of the product, a study of the users and the environment in which the product will be used in, will be carried out. This will reveal, and help us discover, the important initial design constraints.
To rapidly generate a wide range of ideas. At this stage it is important to explore the most outrageous and the seemingly unlikely simple ideas, as often these can inspire and merge to become a feasible product which will stand out. This ensures that as many possible avenues have been covered before moving forward with the project.
In parallel with concept sketches, sketch models are produced to further explore concepts and form. Discussions around these models help to fully explore and understand a concept, and are used as a communication tool to inform a strong direction.
If there are elements of the design which have been identified which could need IP protection, we are able to communicate these with the relevant patent lawyers using the material in the previous steps.
A direction is chosen from the sketches and sketch models. A visually refined model is produced – taking into account aspects such as materials, colour, textures and branding.
A CAD model allows the design to be considered with much more precision. At this stage, material, assembly, manufacture and technical requirements are considered in more detail.
When the CAD modelling is complete, we are able to produce high quality rendered visualisations used to gain interest, inspire confidence and add company value.
A working prototype is produced in order to prove the design and help to inform design for manufacture. This will generate confidence in the product. Top of the range prototyping equipment is used to produce an accurate representation of the final product.
The working prototype is put in the hands of the user for product feedback. The relevant changes, if any, can then be made before investing in design for manufacture and production tooling.
Working alongside suitable manufacturers for each component of the product, we will come up with the final production model, making sure it is cost effective and of quality production methods.